This update is a new version release from 2.1.8 to 2.2.  This new version contains a number of massive improvements in both the technical aspects and user interface.  Here are the changes for this version:

  • Summary (Home Page)
    • Redesigned on the technical side
    • Charts have been redesigned to be mobile device friendly

  • Leaderboards
    • The dollar columns of the Billing and Cash In leaderboards have been updated so when they're clicked it takes you to the appropriate report for that user, as highlighted in red in the figure below.  Clicking on the user's picture and/or name will still take you to the user's profile (highlighted in purple).

  • User Profile
    • The User Profile area has been completely redesigned
    • User stats area shows the current stats for the user and clicking on the stat name provides an explanation of how it is calculated.
    • Clicking on the Lifetime Cash In area will open a modal dialogue window showing all of the user's lifetime stats that are currently part of the user goals.
    • All of the metrics shown within the user profile are based on the goal settings for the user
    • The Ratios Comparison area has been redesigned technically to make it dynamic so that new ratios can be created and ratios can also be enabled/disabled by the administrator
    • User's website rating has been added to their stats area (your website must have our rating system to support this feature)
    • Personal Bests area of the user profile has been redone to make it dynamic and the entire feature can be disabled by the administrator.

  • Chipboard
    • The chipboard has been completely redesigned and is now much more flexible.  Administrators can now change the display/color of the chips and can also turn chips on/off.
    • Clicking on a specific set of chips will display detailed data related to those chips.  For example, clicking on the send outs chips displays the 1st Send Outs that the chips are for, as shown in the figure below.  Likewise, clicking on job order and placement chips will display the details for that user.
    • Effort Scores have been reworked to make them completely configurable by administrators.  This makes them more fluid and customized.
    • Just like with the chips, clicking on your effort scores will display details of the calculation of your score.  There is also explanations of some of the calculations (highlighted in purple in the second figure) and if you click on a number under send outs, job orders and other metrics (highlighted in red in the second figure), it will display the detailed data that is computing the score.

  • Contests Feature
    • Brand new to this version is the Contests feature.  This feature allows admins to create ad-hoc contests on any available metric
    • Contests are completely flexible and could be a winner takes all, top 5 or even anyone who hits the target
    • Contests can be set to all users or only specific designations like Account Executives or Project Coordinators only
    • An email is sent out when a contest is over to tell who has won the contest and the contests page will display the current running results of all ongoing and recent contests.

  • Reports
    • The User Reports section now has two reports in it: User Activity and Effort Scores
    • The Activities Report allows users to run reports on data other than the production metrics of send outs, job orders, placements, billing and cash in
    • The Effort Scores Report takes the place of the previous Effort Scores Dashboard located in the My Stats menu.  It has been redesigned into a report structure and the data is now consistent as the old dashboard sometimes displayed erroneous data


  • The summary area of the Hot Sheet Report now contains a "Job Orders Last Week" count and by clicking on the "New Last Week" headings for both send outs and job orders you can see the details of those items.

  • Admin Dashboard
    • The Admin Dashboard has been completely redesigned to focus on the administration of each hireanalytiX Tenant

    • Much of the changes made to the Admin area of HA is on the technical and design side--many of the features available previously are still there but vastly improved

    • Completely redesigned the Placements feature
      • Cash in entries are done within the Placements feature, not the ATS
      • Placements can now be edited and added from within the feature
      • Split placements are tracked within the application--multiple placements for one candidate are no longer necessary

    • Users Area
      • The users area has been redesigned completely
      • Goals can now be configured on a per-user basis
      • Effort score settings can be overridden on a per-user basis by editing the user's profile and clicking on the Effort Scores tab
      • Admin Users and Standard Users have now been separated within the Admin Dashboard

    • Settings Redesigned
      The settings area has been completely updated to allow administrators to configure every feature of HA.
      • Leaderboards Configuration
        • Added the ability to change how users are displayed on the chipboard, leaderboards and Pacesetter leaderboard: picture only, picture and name or just name

      • Chipboard Configuration 
        • Added the ability to turn the icons on/off on the chipboard
        • Admins can now change how the chipboard is sorted and configure the display of the chips, including turning them on/off

      • Effort Scores Configuration
        • Effort scores can be turned on/off and can be completely customized to include any metric your office tracks

      • Activities Leaderboard
        • Customizing the activities leaderboard is now much easier and the design is consistent with other settings 

      • Activities Mapping Feature
        • A new component of this release is the ability to map activities within PCR to the database of HA.  
        • This makes running the automated collection of data much smoother and streamlined and allows you to configure how activities are displayed to users

      • Goals Configuration
        • The metrics used for user goals can now be completely configured in the Settings area
        • Turn metrics on/off and designate the user type the goal is for (AE/PC/IR)

      • Personal Bests
        • This feature can now be turned on/off
        • Configure what metrics are to be tracked for personal bests for each user type
      • Ratios Configuration
        • Ratios can now be completely customized
        • Add new ratios, rename ratios and turn them on/off