Receivables, or cash in, is simple to record in HA.  First, go to the Placements module and then use the filters to find your placement.  Then, click on the Action button and select the View/Edit option, as shown in the figure below.

One the placement screen has loaded, scroll down to the Cash In Details section and click on the Add Cash In icon, as shown in the figure below.

The Add Cash In dialogue window will open and the date picker will open by default.  The current date is highlighted by default but any date can be chosen from the calendar.  If you enter a date rather than picking from the calendar it must be entered in this format: YYYY-MM-DD.  

The Cash In Amount field is where you will enter the amount of the receivable.  As it says in the form, enter the numbers only, without symbols or commas.  The amount entered here does not have to be the full amount of the placement but the total cash applied to the placement CANNOT exceed the placement fee.  In the event there are splits on the placement, HA will automatically divide the cash among the users involved in the placement based on their split percentages/amounts.