The User Goals tab gives admins the ability to set the goals for each user. HA has the ability to automatically calculate the goals for each user based on the Goals Configuration option selected:
- Previous Calendar Year
- Last 2 Calendar Years
- Last 3 Calendar Years (Recommended)
Editing Individual Metric Goals
Goals can be edited individually by simply clicking into the first column and replacing the value provided by HA. When you replace the value in the field, a calculator icon appears which allows you to see the number entered broken out into Quarter, Month and Week. This is especially helpful for goals that will be larger.
To see the updated values for Quarter, Month and Week, click the calculator as pointed out in the figure above. When you click that icon, it will disappear and replace the values in the Quarter, Month and Week fields with the appropriate amount, as shown in the figure below.
For this particular goal, 3.85 send outs in a week is a more reasonable goal that over 55 send outs in a week. Typically this miscalculation of goals is caused by the user's inflated ratios due to a bad year or two or some other anomaly.
Initial Goals Calculation
If a user does not have goals for a given year and/or if they're a new user, you may see the message below when you click on the User Goals tab.
To begin, select an option from the Goals Configuration menu. The recommended option is last 3 calendar years. When you change the Goals Configuration option a button will appear that when clicked will tell HA to calculate the user's goals based on their average fee and metrics ratios for the selected time period. If the user's average fee is zero, HA will use the average fee and metrics ratios for the office as a whole.