The Placement Stats tab displays statistical details about the placement and allows for admin and limited user updates to the data. There are three ways to edit the stats, as pointed out in the figure below.
Edit All Fields
The stats fields can all be edited directly by clicking on the Edit icon next to a particular statistic. To edit all of the fields, click the Edit All Fields button, as shown by the orange arrow in the figure above. This will change all of the fields to being editable and you can undo this by clicking on the Cancel Edit All Fields button.
Recalculate Stats
Recalculate Stats is used in combination with editing of the stats fields. When this is turned on and your changes are saved, HA will automatically recalculate the placement stats based on the dates you enter in the second column. This is helpful if you know the dates of the activities such as the first resume presented, but do not want to calculate the Time to Interview yourself. Without this turned on, HA will use the values entered in the fields instead.
Trigger API Stats Update
The recommended method of updating the placement stats is through the Trigger API Stats Update option, as shown in the figure below. When this option is turned on, the Trigger API Update button appears and when clicked will trigger the API with your ATS to automatically update all of the placement stats.
When this option is turned on, the edit buttons for all of the fields are hidden, as shown by the red rectangles in the figure below.
To trigger the API update, simply click the Trigger API Update button. The button will become disabled and the page will refresh when the process is completed and a success message will be displayed, as shown in the figure below.
The Placement History log will also show anything that was updated via the API, as demonstrated in the below screen shot.