The Position Stats tab contains all of the statistical information about the position.  This area is updated via the API every time the position is saved and whenever there is interview activity such as a resume presented.  In the example figure above, there is missing data for this position which could be fixed by an API stats update.

To trigger this update, click the toggle switch to turn it on, as pointed out by the red arrow in the figure above.  The Edit All Fields button will change to a Save button and when this button is clicked, the API will begin gathering the stats for the position and the page will refresh when completed.

As you can see in the figure below, these empty or wrong values now have accurate data:

If any changes were made by the API update, they will be noted in the Position History log, as shown in the figure below.

Manually Updating Stats

While not recommended, position stats can be edited manually by either clicking the Edit All Fields button or by clicking the Edit icon next to a particular field.  Please note, when these stats are manually entered it disables automatic API updates and must be updated manually from that point forward.  

To re-enable automatic API updates, trigger a manual API update.  A confirmation message will appear in the Position History log, as shown below.