This report provides summary statistics on all placements made within the organization. When the report first loads, it displays data based on ALL placements, excluding fall offs. The report filters are located across the top and when clicked they can be changed and the report re-generated.
Report Filters
The report can be filtered by a number of different options and the values of those filters are defined by your database. As pointed out in the figure below, when you click to expand the filters, some of the options may include "Undefined". This means that this particular data field does not have a value and cannot be segmented.
You can simply uncheck the Undefined option to limit the filter to data that has this particular filter defined.
Salary Range
This particular filter provides the ability to limit your results by Salary Range in steps of $5,000. So, if you move the slider to the first position from the left and right it will search for $5,000 to $5,000 less than your highest placed salary. In this example, the highest salary placed is $400,000 so the first position from the right is $395,000.
In the example below, the report is going to be filtered by placements with a starting salary between $95,000 and $245,000. When you hold your mouse over the slider bar, it will show you the range as well in a tooltip format.
Job Title Search
This field can be used to search out one or more job titles to limit your report without having to use the Job Title dropdown filter. In the example below, the user is looking for data on the title Engineering Manager with a salary range of $95,000 to $145,000. The example report shows 9 total placements comprised of 7 unique candidates.
To search multiple job titles, simply enter them separated by commas, as shown in the figure below.
Report Charts
The bottom of the report contains the Diversity Data and Functional Areas charts which provide a visual snapshot of the report data. Please keep in mind that these charts will only contain data on placements that have the Functional Area and diversity data defined.
As you can see in the figure above, the report will tell you how many candidates are included in the Diversity Data chart. The Functional Areas chart only includes placements where the position has a defined Functional Area. Those that are undefined are not displayed in the chart.