This report is only available to tenants that subscribe to the PE Version of hireanalytiX.
When the report is first loaded, PEI Sector, PE Firms and Filter by State have all values selected. In order to generate the report, you must first select the job function(s) you would like displayed on the report. In this example, we're looking for CEO, CFO and CIO contacts. Once at least 1 job function is selected, the Generate Report button is enabled.
The figure below shows the results of the report for CEO, CFO and CIO. As pointed out by the red arrow, the job functions are listed to the right of Total Contacts in alphabetical order. Clicking on the view button, pointed out by the purple arrow in the figure, will allow you to look at the companies making up this data.
The figure to the right shows the list of companies that is displayed in a modal window when you click the View button. This list breaks out the companies and shows you how many contacts each company has for each job function selected. From this modal window you can then print and/or download the list of companies. The red arrow points out that this is a list of companies for the Biotech / Life Science sector. This title changes to make sure it's clear what data you're looking at. |
Data by State
When selecting individual states from the Filter by State options, the layout of the report changes slightly to allow you to drill down deeper and see the sector data by the selected states. In the example figure below we're looking for companies in the manufacturing sector in Minnesota, Michigan and Illinois.
Clicking on the "plus" icon next to the sector, Manufacturing in this example, will expand the data to show you sector data by each selected state:
In this example you can see that of the 8 companies in manufacturing that have the contacts we're looking for, 5 of them are in Illinois, 2 of them in Michigan and 1 in Minnesota. 36 of the 39 CIO/CTO contacts are in Illinois.
Printing & Downloading Sector Data
The sector data report can be downloaded with any expanded states (when applicable), however, printing of sector data is limited to the overall data--state-by-state data is not available in the printed version of this report.