Please note, the ability to delete interviews is limited to Admin users.  

To delete an interview or resume presented on a particular position, open the position details page by clicking on the job title.  Scroll down toward the bottom of the page and you will see the Interviews and Resumes sections, as shown in the figure below.  Each item listed will have a trash can icon, as pointed out in the figure.  This is the Delete button.  

When you click the Delete button, HA will prompt you to make sure you want to delete that particular interview, as shown in the figure to the right.

Clicking Cancel will return you to the position details page. If you click OK, the interview will be deleted and you'll receive a prompt when it's completed.

Clicking OK on that prompt will refresh the list of interviews and you will no longer see that particular interview in the list.

The same process applies whether you're deleting a resume or an interview.