If you currently use PCRecruiter as your ATS, there are a couple steps that are necessary in order for us to integrate HA with your PCR database.  First, we need you to provide us with API user credentials to your database.  We recommend something like API_HA and simply mark the user as "API only", as shown in the figure below.

Provide us with the user name and password you created for this API user account.  This is the account that we will use to connect to your database.  If you have more than one PCR database, we will need this for each of them.

PCR API Credentials

The next thing our team will need from you is your PCR API Application ID and Application Key.  To obtaain theese, go to:

PCR API Portal

Copy and paste both the Application ID and Application Key into an email to your HA representative.  

Because of how HA access the PCR API, it is best to sign up for their enterprise-level API access, as shown in the figure to the right.

If you do not have the ability to create API keys and/or you don't have access to the PCR API Portal, please contact your PCR/MST representative and request access.  It is possible you may have to upgrade your PCR license in order to have access to the API.