This update contains many complex feature updates and fixes and has taken longer to release than past updates.  


No changes made in this update.


No changes made in this update.

My Stats

This area has seen some improvements in the background, including the functions for charts to make them compatible with the new split send outs/job orders feature.  

  • The Annual Goal Progress Report has been updated so that when a user clicks on the progress bar they can see the details for that particular metric.  Send Outs, for example, will display a list of EVERY send out and even show split credit and explain how HA has determined the number of send outs.


There have been some major improvements made to the chipboard.  Some of them are in the design of the chipboard but most of these improvements are in the framework behind the chipboard.  

  • The ability to customize the display of the chipboard has been added.  Previously, once admins set the display parameters, users could not change it.  Now, users can change the view of the chipboard and it will always revert back to the settings required by the admins.
  • The chipboard now displays the office totals at the bottom for easy reference.
  • Past chipboard data can now be viewed by using the date picker.  When a user selects a date in the past, the chipboard will refresh showing what it looked like on that particular date.
  • Send Outs and Job Orders chips have been improved so that they take into account a user's actual goal just like the placements chips.  This was done as a part of the split send outs and job orders feature--splits will now be accounted for in the chips, just like with placements.
    • When a user hovers over their chips, HA will now display a tooltip showing their goal and how much of that goal they've achieved, as shown in the figure above.
  • The framework of the Effort Scores area has been greatly improved and will load MUCH faster than it has in the past.  
    • Previous versions of HA loaded the effort scores for each user individually, which was a large load on the app.  
    • Now, all user data is collected at once and then displayed, vastly improving the load time.

  • The Effort Scores Details area (when you click on the scores) has been slightly improved and now includes the target for the day, week and month, as shown in the figure to the right.

  • Chip images for user goals have been improved to make them more consistent and easier to understand.  
    • The old chip images were not the same shade and the placements chips images for goals did not make sense.  This has been fixed.


No changes have been made to this area, however, the Admin configuration of contests has been updated.


  • Cash Out Report

    • The Cash Out Report has been updated so that it correctly displays the time-frame that cash is due.  Prior to this release, some items were being miscalculated as being due later or earlier than their actually due date.  This applies only to the summary ribbon across the top.
    • Fixed the calculations for marking items in the report with a red background.  Prior to this release, HA was marking items that were due on the current date as past due.  Items due on the current date will not turn red now until the day AFTER they're due, which is correct since technically they're not past due yet.

  • NEW - Goals Report

    • A new report has been added to the Office Reports section of the Reports Center called the Goals Report.  This report allows users to see goal progress for the entire firm/office, by specific users or even for a single user.  
    • This report can break the goals down to weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly giving users and admins the flexibility to see goal progression in a more meaningful way.  This is especially helpful in the earlier parts of the calendar year when annual goal progress is hard to see but breaking it down to the weeks/months completed shows true progress toward annual goals.
    • To learn more visit Goals Report.

  • NEW - Users Report

    • A new users report has been added that shows the user hierarchy for the organization.  The default is by teams, however, the new users admin allows for the assignment of managers to specific users.  This report is one of the areas that uses this new feature.


  • Fixed the Past Due Reminders toggle switch.  Prior to this release, if you turned this feature off for a particular placement/invoice and clicked the Save icon, it would appear to turn the reminders off but it did not.  This is now resolved.
  • NEW Actions Tab: there is a new tab in the View/Edit Placement screen called Actions, as shown in the figure below.  This is where users and admins can go to take action on a placement such as recording a fee adjustment, fall off or relating it to another placement such as a Retainer.  To learn more visit Actions Tab.

  • NEW Related Placements Tab: This new tab will give users quick access to placements related to the placement they're currently viewing.  As shown in the example below, some placements are automatically matched up by HA but using the new Actions tab, users and/or admins can now manually associate placements as well.
    • The Related Placements tab is only visible if there are placements associated with the current placement, otherwise this tab is hidden.
    • To learn more about this tab, see Related Placements Tab.

Admin Dashboard

  • Dashboard

    • The Dashboard has a new card that shows the company goals progress based on the goal totals of the company's active users.  

  • Users

    • The users area of the Admin Dashboard has been updated behind the scenes.
    • The Add User page has been updated to make adding new users much easier and it now contains a validation that will not allow admins to add a user with the same email and/or username as an existing user.  Prior to this release, multiple users could be created with the same email and/or username.
    • The Designation & Teams tab has been renamed Employee Details and now contains options to mark users as a Rookie, Owner, or Manager.  Team assignment is now done through the Teams feature so it has been removed from the user edit page.
      • Non owner-users can now have their manager(s) assigned in the Employee Details area.  Currently, this is only used for the Users Report but the employee hierarchy is planned for future updates and features.

  • Contests

    • The Contests area has been updated to make contests more flexible.  
    • When adding or editing a contest, admins now have the ability to choose whether the metrics of the contest are ALL required or if users have to achieve at least ONE of the required metrics.  Previously, it was ALL or NOTHING.
    • In addition, admins can now select multiple designations and/or choose users from within those designations.  Prior to this update, a contest could only apply to a single designation or users of a single designation.
    • To learn more, visit Admin: Contests.

  • Placements

    • Settings related to placements and invoices have been moved to the Placements area to make it more consistent with other modules of HA.
    • As shown in the figure below, simply click the Settings button to access the Placements and/or Invoice settings options.
    • NEW: Placement Mapping.  There is a new tab in the Placements settings area called Placement Mapping that allows admins to configure how HA should represent the various types of placements your firm makes.  
      • There are several predefined placement types that will be sufficient for most firms, however, there is also the option to add custom placement types and status options for firms with more advanced PCR configurations.
      • Proper configuration of this area is important as future updates will rely on these mapping configurations, especially the future Contract Placements module.

  • Settings

    • Most of this area of the Admin Dashboard has been updated in the background to make processing of changes more efficient and easier for our development team to configure.  However, not much has changed that users will notice.
    • Effort Scores Settings
      • A new configuration option has been added that gives admins the ability to choose how effort scores will handle splits for send outs, job orders and placements.  By default, users will receive full credit, regardless of the split amount.  However, for firms that prefer to give actual credit, this option is now available.  Prior to this update, users were given full credit with no option to change it.

Other Updates / Changes

  • Updated the placements feature functions so that when a falloff is created, Past Due Reminders are turned off for all updated placement rows and newly created rows.  This is a complex feature that involves copying the live placement details and then creating new placement rows in the table.  Prior to this update, Past Due Reminders were set to be sent by default.  This has been fixed.
  • NEW FEATURE: Split Send Outs and Job Orders.  HA now has the ability to do splits on send outs and job orders.  Prior to this update it was impossible to give other users credit for send outs and/or job orders.  To learn more about this feature please see Split Send Outs or Split Job Orders.
    • The framework of dependent features such as the Hot Sheet Report have been updated to make them compatible with this new feature.