Some of the major highlights of Version 2.3.10 are the upgraded Hot Sheet Report, the new Campaigns feature for PCR tenants and the new Value Report for tenants with an active staff of Project Coordinators. There are also some improvements made to the invoicing feature of the Placements module and a few other improvements and configuration options added that will make things easier for tenant admins.
- The design of the summary page has been updated so that it is consistent. Prior to this update, the Billing Comparison had a different look and feel than the Cash In Comparison, as pointed out in the figure below. With this update, the entire Summary has the same appearance when loading data. Placeholders have been added for the summary content and a "loading" icon animation has been added to the Summary page that will stay in place until the chart data has loaded completely. This makes the feel of this page more cohesive and is the first major design change to the Summary in a long time.
- Made some changes behind-the-scenes to improve the reliability of the Leaderboards module.
Users (fka My Stats)
- The My Stats module has been renamed to Users to more accurately reflect the module's primary focus. With this change, we have consolidated My Dashboard into the new Users area so everything is now in once place. Prior to this update, sensitive information such as commission statements and employee documents was found in a separate module.
In addition, the menu options have been changed slightly, as shown in the figure to the right. Prior to this update they were "My Stats" and "View Another Person's Stats". With this update, we have made the Comparison feature stand-alone so you do not need to be on a user's dashboard to access it.
We have also changed how the selection of another user works so that it opens in a modal window rather than a separate page. - My Dashboard
The consolidation of My Dashboard and My Stats means that several new elements had to be added to the My Stats page, as pointed out in the figure below.
The Commission Accelerator, President's Club and Milestone Progress bars have all been added under the annual goal progress section, as pointed out in red in the figure. The user's tenure has been added below their picture--pointed out in yellow. Two new buttons have been added for the Compensation Plan and Cash Out (if applicable to the user), as pointed out in purple in the figure. Also, associated users now appear in a "Quick Launch", as pointed out in orange. This makes it easy to switch between PC's and their associated AE's or other team members.
Lastly, the blue arrow points out the user's sensitive information section. This is only available to the specific user, their manager and to tenant admins. For a standard user, this section will not load unless they are the manager of that user. - Comparison Feature
The comparison feature has been updated to make it easier to use and more fluid. Prior to this update, you first had to select the user and then the year to compare and then click to go to the comparison page. Then, if you wanted to change the users/years, you would have to go back to the previous page.
With this update, the functionality has been combined into a single page in an effort to improve the user experience. In addition, all configured metrics are available to see at one time rather than having a "Selected Metric" dropdown and showing one at a time in the chart.BEFORE: AFTER:
- Some custom changes have been made to the chipboard for tenants that are using the "Sent to AE" activity in conjunction with Project Coordinators. The chipboard has been updated so that it will now display "Sent to AE" in the tooltip, as shown in the figure below. This should help reduce confusion because clickong on those chips will show both the Sent to AE activity AND the resume presented / submittal activity.
- No changes have been made to this module.
- Hot Sheet Report
The positions portion of the Hot Sheet Report has been updated so that it now displays a count of the number of resumes that have been submitted on the position. Prior to this update, this part of the report only showed the number of interviews.- Removing Candidates - NEW
The process for removing candidates from the Hot Sheet Report has been improved so that it can be done right in HA. For tenants with an API, this process will also remove the candidate from the process in your ATS pipeline. Admins can configure emails that are sent out to the candidates based on the Out-of-Process Reason selected, as shown in the figure below. In the event that splits exist on the candidate, a dropdown will appear asking which user the email should be sent from, as pointed out in the figure below.
In addition, to make the process quicker, tenant Admins will see a Notes column, pointed out in the figure below. Clicking into this column will allow the admin to enter a quick note that will be saved to the interview record in HA. This enables going through the hot sheet in a meeting to be quicker and the candidate can be removed later. When you click out of the column or hit Enter on your keyboard the note is automatically saved. - Position Details
In addition, the position details area has been updated so that it is better organized and easier to follow. Total Resumes Presented and Total Unique Candidates have been consolidated into a single "Resume to Interview Ratio". In addition, the terminology used in the hot sheet report, where applicable, has been updated to use the metric name set by the tenant. Prior to this update, the names of the activities/metrics were static.BEFORE: AFTER:
- Removing Candidates - NEW
- Cash In Report
This report was not always working properly prior to this update. With Version 2.4, the report is now fully functional and has a couple design updates so it works well on all screen sizes. - YOY Comparison Report
This report has been fixed. We had made a change that broke the interviews chart and have since resolved this. In addition, we added a year total comparison for positions and interviews so that it matches the billing and payments charts above it.BEFORE: AFTER: - Cash Out Report
The summary of this report has been updated to make it easier to read and reliable. Prior to this update, if there were pending invoices that were past due but NOT more than 30 days it would throw the total off. Past Due 30+ Days has been changed to simply Past Due to fix this issue and the total has been moved to the end to flow better.BEFORE: AFTER: - Invoices Report
A new column has been added to this report that will show if the diversity data for the PI report has been confirmed/validated. This is in conjunction with the update to the Placements module.
- Added the ability to review company payments that are not tied to a placement. These are basically cash in transactions that can be linked to a company instead of a particular position and/or placement. Prior to this update, once these were added to HA there was no user interface for viewing and/or editing them.
- History Log
The history log for positions has been updated so that the newest entry in the log is displayed first, or reverse chronological order. It will also show the timestamp in the local user's timezone. Prior to this update, it was in chronological order and the timestamp was hard-coded to Eastern US. - Position Intelligence Report
The "Show On" area has been updated to match the design of the Placements module. Prior to this update, changing settings on the position had no effect company settings existed and there was no way to know. Now, there will be a message telling the user that the settings are configured globally by the company settings.BEFORE: AFTER:
- The icons in the Invoice Details and Position Intelligence Report areas for admin users has been updated slightly to match the icons used on the Invoices Report. The "Request Validation" icons have been changed so that it'll display a yellow "thumb's up" icon if a request has already been sent and a green one if it's been validated.
There is also a new icon on the PI Report that will display whether or not the diversity data has been reviewed / confirmed.BEFORE: AFTER: - In conjunction with the update to the invoice settings, the placement invoice details area has been updated so that when a tenant has manual invoice numbers turned on, it is very easy to update the number without changing anything else on the placement. This is especially important for tenants with API configuration. The figures below show the different between tenants with automatic invoice number and manual configuration.
Tenants with manual invoice numbers turned on will now see an "Edit" button next to the invoice number. This allows tenant admins to simply change the invoice number without effecting any other invoice details configured by the API and this change does NOT trigger a notification email.
Global Trends - NEW
- This is a brand new module as of this version. The Global Trends portal provides all tenants who have opted in to see high-level stats on ALL hireanalytiX tenants and users. Over time this portal will be expanded but as of this version it contains a global summary of billing and cash in, a users leaderboard, trends report and placement stats report.
This portal has it's own navigation and is the only part of HA that is NOT private label -- the logo is HA and it has a different color scheme so users will know when they're in it. The very last navigation item will always be a "Back" to your tenant portal, as shown in the figure below for the hireneXus tenant.
In the navigation bar, it can be found easily as it will always be green, as shown in the figure below.
Admin Portal
- No changes have been made to this module.
- No changes have been made to this module.
Auction Module
- No changes have been made to this module.
- No changes have been made to this module.
Campaigns Feature
No changes have been made to this module.
Commissions Module
- No changes have been made to this module.
- No changes have been made to this module.
Contests Module
- No changes have been made to this module.
- No changes have been made to this module.
Logs Module
- Audit Log - NEW
With this version of HA comes a new admin log called the Audit / Change Log. This new log will track any changes made to settings in HA plus a few other things throughout HA. Eventually, this log will contain all changes made in the Admin Dashboard but for now it's limited to changes in certain areas of the User edit page, user effort scores and goals settings and a few other settings areas.
- Audit Log - NEW
Milestones Feature
- No changes have been made to this module.
- No changes have been made to this module.
Personal Bests
- No changes have been made to this module.
- No changes have been made to this module.
Placements Module
- The Invoice Settings user interface has been updated slightly to make it easier to use. In addition, a couple of email-based fields have been removed as these are now configured in the Email Settings area of HA. We have also added a toggle switch for manually setting the Invoice Number on each placement. Prior to this update, there was no way to change the invoice number from the default (Position ID).
- The Invoice Settings user interface has been updated slightly to make it easier to use. In addition, a couple of email-based fields have been removed as these are now configured in the Email Settings area of HA. We have also added a toggle switch for manually setting the Invoice Number on each placement. Prior to this update, there was no way to change the invoice number from the default (Position ID).
Rankings Feature
- No changes have been made to this module.
- No changes have been made to this module.
Record Holders Feature
- No changes have been made to this module.
- No changes have been made to this module.
- No changes have been made to this module.
- No changes have been made to this module.
Settings Module
- Global Settings
- No changes have been made.
- No changes have been made.
- Reports Settings
- The Hot Sheet Report Settings area has been updated so that Admins can now configure Out-of-Process Status Options to coincide with the new Remove Candidate feature of the Hot Sheet Report. New options can be added by clicking the Add Status Option button, pointed out in purple in the figure below. After being added, clicking the pencil icon will allow admins to configure additional options, including the email to be sent out. See Out-of-Process Status Options for more information.
- The Hot Sheet Report Settings area has been updated so that Admins can now configure Out-of-Process Status Options to coincide with the new Remove Candidate feature of the Hot Sheet Report. New options can be added by clicking the Add Status Option button, pointed out in purple in the figure below. After being added, clicking the pencil icon will allow admins to configure additional options, including the email to be sent out. See Out-of-Process Status Options for more information.
- Email Settings
- The Email Settings area has received a design update to allow room for future configuration options. There were several module/feature settings in the main tabbed navigation that have been moved to the Other Features tab to streamline the tabs so those features with fewer settings to configure are all in one place.
- Hot Sheet - NEW
In the Other Features tab is a new option for Hot Sheet email configuration. By default, HA will use the SMTP settings for Microsoft Office 365 but this area allows Admins to manually configure the SMTP server used for sending out hot sheet emails to candidates.
- Global Settings
Users Module
- The Edit User area has been completely redesigned to make it easier to use. Since most of the main user profile details are not changed on a regular basis after the user has been created, the information is now displayed as text with icons, matching other areas of HA. To make a change, simply click on the details to open a modal that will allow you to make changes to that information.
BEFORE AFTER - There is a new section of the User Profile tab for entering outgoing email details. This is required in order to send emails from the user for the new Remove Candidate feature of the Hot Sheet Report and any future module/feature updates that send emails from the logged-in user.
- Users Settings
- The Effort Scores and Goals settings have been updated behind the scenes to make them compliant with the new audit log. With this update, all changes made to these settings will now be recorded to the audit log and available in the Logs area of the Admin Dashboard.
- The My Stats settings tab has been redesigned to allow more flexibility to configure the new Users / My Dashboard module. An additional tab has been added that allows for configuration of the sort order for the annual goal progress bars. Prior to this update, the goal progress bars were in a static order that could not be changed.
- The Edit User area has been completely redesigned to make it easier to use. Since most of the main user profile details are not changed on a regular basis after the user has been created, the information is now displayed as text with icons, matching other areas of HA. To make a change, simply click on the details to open a modal that will allow you to make changes to that information.
Other Updates
- With this version, all of the HA code base, including the Private Equity and Client Portal editions, has been moved to a git-based repository which makes future development and version updates much easier.